Success Stories

Sometimes we wonder if we get positive results from all the time, effort and finances needed to properly maintain and operate T/V MANATRA as a training platform.  We usually cannot see immediate results, but the long run has reaped fine examples.

Commander Ed Fairbairn, USN:  Sailed about MANATRA II while an Explorer Scout in high school, worked as a deckhand and quartermaster.  Went on and graduated FIRST in his class at the United States Merchant Marine Academy.  Executive Officer on a Navy Destroyer and an Amphibious Landing Ship.

Captain Mike Sherman, USMC:  Engine room trainee and then went on to graduate from the United States Naval Academy and became a Marine helicopter pilot.

Lieutenant Jerod McCaimbridge, USN:  Rode the train every Saturday to work in the engine room.  United States Naval Academy Graduate, a helicopter pilot for the U.S. Navy, and then entered the priesthood.

George Kronk:  Engine room trainee.  Graduate of Great Lakes Maritime Academy in Traverse City, Michigan.  Now a Chief Engineer on Great Lakes Ships.

Capt. Kelly O'Connor:  Worked as a deckhand and quartermaster while in high school, enlisted in the United States Navy upon graduation, serving on Frigates and Submarines, now Cruise boat skipper, marine consultant and vessel delivery operator.

Captain Tony Jurincie:  Attended the Soreat Hakum Maritime Academy.  Became a Ship Officer, a building engineer and one of the T/V MANATRA Captains.

Captain Jack Hadfield:  Entered the USCG, got his license and was the vessel's Chief Engineer and is also one of its Captains.

These are just some of the many examples of where our trainees have gone and are the reasons we continue to provide an outstanding experience for young people. Many of our MANATRA members and shipmates have served, or are continuing to serve, in the Navy, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine.